19 April 1778 Sunday
Vases, Candelabra, Grave Stones, Sarcophagi. Tripods, Lamps and Ancient Ornaments volume II

Hercules servant of Omphale with the series of his twelve exploits described by Apollodorus bas-relief in Greek marble existing in the Borgia Museum in Velletri
Cav. Francesco Piranesi inc. 1786.
22-23 y.o. Francesco Piranesi 1781
Collezione delle piu belle statue di Roma
Apollo with bow in hand leaning on a trunk from which a quiver hangs, formerly preserved in Rome in the Medici Gardens, and now in Florence in the Granducale gallery.
To His Excellency the Prince D. Abondio Rezzonico Senator of Rome
Fine art lover.
Francesco Piranesi D.D.D.
Ludovico Corazzari Ven. drawn Francesco Piranesi engraved 1781.
19 April 1784
Gustavus III leaves Rome.
19 April 1812 Sunday
Morning clear, wind SWerly. Temperature 62 rose to 82°. Attended Mulberry Street Meeting. Richard Mott spoke at length on Philip's baptising the eunuch, etc., which he dilated into a different discourse.
I did not go to Meeting P.M. Evening I walked out and saw several persons. E. Tilghman, etc.[?]. I sent the carriage home this afternoon about 3. A most violent gust from NW with hail in sundry places--broke the skylight at Albert[?] Logan's--etc.--in the neighborhood.
19 April 1999
Re: msst ... er
I am using the title master architect as a neuter phenomenon, i.e., the architect that possesses a overriding total vision, the architect the leads other (subordinate) architects. Helena pocessed that vision and leadership.
19 April 2000
image play [. . .Vedute]
19 April 2017
zero two six
19 April 2020
Mary Boone's 180 hours of community service hours 66 67 68
19 April 2023 Wednesday
I was hoping there'd be more information on Rome's ancient circuses within Platner's The Typography and Monuments of Ancient Rome, but what was there is still good. It might just be that there actually isn't all that much known about all of Rome's ancient circuses.