7 March 1778 Saturday
Vases, Candelabra, Grave Stones, Sarcophagi. Tripods, Lamps and Ancient Ornaments volume I
Low Relief, which is carved on the Circumference of the following Ancient Marble Vase, existing in Rome in the Palace of the Villa Medici on Monte Pincio. In these Sculptures the Sacrifice of Iphigenia is represented; where the Statue of Diana A can be seen draped in the act of striking the Arch. Under the Altar of the Simulacrum, the semi-naked Virgin Iphigenia B can be seen prostrate on the ground in a sad and weeping act. In front of it we see Ulysses C, who with the strength of his Eloquence begs the Goddess to grant the Virgin in marriage to Achilles. On the other side of the altar stands Achille D with his other followers E F G, including Protesilano and Filottete, who are ready to kidnap the Virgin if the Goddess does not appease. The Warrior, who is near Ulysses, leaning with his right leg on a Chair, is Agamemnon H. Father of Iphigenia, whom he himself had led to the Sacrifice, to obey the Oracle of the Goddess. The Veiled Old Man, next to Agamemnon, is Calchas I, the high priest, who, wanting to free that unhappy Victim, made it clear that the Goddess moved to compassion was content with having a hind sacrificed in exchange, and that the Virgin Iphigenia was then transported to Tauris for her Priestess in that Temple; and then the Army of the Greeks, which was in Aulis, set sail for Troy.
Cav. Piranesi F.
21-22 y.o. Francesco Piranesi 1780
Raccolta de' tempj antichi Parti I

Cross section of the Temple of Honor and Virtue
A Part stripped of its ornaments. B Departments for paints. C Frame of the impost of the vault. D Cutaway of chests of drawers. E Windows, which give light. F Mass of tuffs, which supports the floor
Franc. Piranesi drew and engraved
7 March 1812 Saturday
Morning cloudy, wind E. I went downtown. At my brother's saw [blank] the wide of [blank] Navlin[?] and rented my house No. 92 South Front Street to her for her husband at 500 dollars[?] and .... from 25 .... they to pay the water rent. I to paint and paper rooms[?] etc. for which I gave directions to W. Haydock and t Hurley. I dined at SL's. Set of about 4 and reached home about 6. The Oxford Road deep and heavy, the frost is out but in few spots. Therm. here early 35°, noon 44°. My son Samuel, who has been some time at SL's, is increasing in strength. He rode out daily since I have been in town till this day.
7 March 2017
7 March 2020

Mary Boone's 180 hours of community service hour 31
7 March 2023 Tuesday
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