Vincent Scully Jr., Louis I. Kahn (New York: George Braziller, 1962).
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Philip Johnson, Karl Friedrich Schinkel im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Schriftenreihe des Archirekren- und Ingenieurs-Verein zu Berlin, Heft 13. Berlin, 1961. 24 pp. Delivered as a speech in Berlin, March 13, 1961. Reprinted in English, "Schinkel and Mies." Program, New York, Columbia School of Architecture (Spring, 1962), pp. 14-34.
Philip Johnson, "Article for The Kentiku by Philip Johnson." Introduction to Philip Johnson issue, Kentihu, 5 (May, 1962); also, architect's statements on the Glass House; Amon Carter Museum of Western Art; Museum of Modern Art Garden; Campus, University of St. Thomas, Houston; Dormirories for Sarah Lawrence College; Brown University Computing Center; Wiley House; Robert Leonhardt House; House for Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boissonnas. English summary of Japanese text, pp. 1-6.
Philip Johnson, Speech, "The Art of Building--The Seven Shibboleths of Our Profession." Oceanlake, Oregon, 11th Annual Northwest Regional A.I.A. Conference, October 12, 1962.
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Mitchell/Giurgola Architects, Philadelphia Life Insurance Company (Philadelphia, PA: 1962), images: 2001.10.14.
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Le Corbusier, Exhibition Hall (Stockholm: 1962).